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  • International Journal of Current Aspects

    International Journal of Current Aspects (ISSN 2616-6976) is a multidisciplinary journal that hosts quality wide range of internationally peer reviewed journals on emerging issues in diverse fields.

  • International Journal of Current Aspects in Finance, Banking and Accounting

    International Journal of Current Aspects in Finance, Banking and Accounting (IJCFA) publishes quality internationally peer reviewed journals in Finance, Accounting and banking. The journal accepts articles in English language only. The articles are subjected to editorial review to assess their quality and knowledge contribution. The assessment is based on committee of three editors. Articles that pass editorial reviews are subjected to double blind peer review after which a decision to accept the article either unaltered or with changes revisions or reject the article or resubmit after six months is made.

  • International Journal of Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation

    The journal is committed to facilitating open access to quality information globally, promote creativity and originality and make the world a better place through research knowledge sharing. To achieve this, articles are subjected to thorough quality and originality test. Authors are encouraged to submit to this journal for global and wide readership and be a part of redefining open access scholarly publishing.